Midwest Institute for Addiction

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Midwest Institute for Addiction

A Comprehensive Treatment Team

Friday, February 6, 2015

Missouri Drug Rehab Centers can Help Treat Those with Opiate Addiction

The National Institute for Drug Abuse has compiled statistics that paint a troubling picture of opiate use in St. Louis, Missouri; namely, that the number of patients who underwent treatment for opiates has been steadily increasing throughout the years. Heroin alone caused about 117 cases of death during the first half of 2013, with a staggering number of 2,274 users admitted to drug rehab in Missouri. Heroin is more prevalent than any other drug in the opiate family because it’s less expensive and remains consistently available and easily accessible to drug addicts. Other opiate, non-heroin drugs have a relatively low number of treatment admissions, reaching about 254 patients in 2013. What’s disturbing about this data, though, is that about 24% of opiate users in St. Louis are under the age of 24, meaning that opiates are most popular among adolescents and young adults who acquire it for recreational use.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A St. Louis Alcohol Rehab Center Can Help Teens Addicted to Alcohol

Given the lax alcohol laws in St. Louis, Missouri, it’s not uncommon to hear stories about underage drinking. While the legal drinking age for the state is 21, fake I.D.s can give teenagers easier access to alcohol. Developing an unhealthy drinking habit at a young age can give way to a number of health and emotional problems that might necessitate the need for your child to take part in a St. Louis alcohol rehab program. Raising children is hard work. There are many factors that can affect a child’s development, and at times some of those factors are beyond a parent’s control. Although you deeply care for your children, there may be some actions that children may end up misconstruing. For example, even if you believe that you love all your children equally, your actions may show some favoritism towards one, making the others feel left out.

Monday, February 2, 2015

St. Louis Rehabilitation Center Helps Binge Drinkers Ward off Harm

How do you define binge drinking? Do you have a specific number of bottles, shots, or glasses in mind, or do you think it’s subjective and means “so much that you get sick and pass out”? Well, you can certainly have your own definition, but for the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, binge drinking means drinking enough to reach the blood alcohol level of .08, which is usually reached after the 4th or 5th drink in 2 hours. Aside from feeling the effects of intoxication, the high blood alcohol levels can also wreak havoc on your immunity. In a study by the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, it was revealed that binge drinking weakens the immunity of healthy young adults.